Sunday, August 2, 2009

What are good sun annuals to plant in N.C.?

I tend to have a brown thumb when it comes to planting flowers. I am looking for good, hardy annuals to plant around my mailbox. There is no shade, so I need something that will thrive in the sun. This is N.C. so the weather in the summer easily reaches the 90s. Any suggestions??

A list of flowers as well as plants would be greatly appreciated.


What are good sun annuals to plant in N.C.?
I have a black thumb when it comes to planting flowers so when my friend gave me tons of begonias 2 yrs ago i thought i would have them dead by the end of the week. I was suprised to see that I didn't kill them. As the summer went on and I would occasionnaly forget to water them they were still alive and they got big and beautiful. Now I live in the St. Louis Missouri area and we get very hot summers our temps easily reach the upper 90's daily and we get up into the 100's as well. My begonias did so well that I now plant them every year. I just moved into my first house and I have them planted out front in my flower boxes and they are getting so big and beautiful. Try begonias, they are beautiful, they came in a red, pink, and white...the names for each plant is Whiskey (red i think), Gin (pink these are the ones i love), and Vodka (white i think). Also Hostas do well in sunlight and are a hearty plant, but get the dark ones the striped ones don't like a lot of direct sunlight. you may want to try Four O'clocks i never killed them when i took care of my mother's flowers.
Reply:petunias are ur best bet! anyone can grow em and they love sun!

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