Friday, July 31, 2009

I need to find a list of self insured health plans and w/c associations in the southeast.?

Self-insured health plan is an oxymoron - it basically means, people who don't have health insurance, that pay their own bills.

Workers Comp associations are a bit easier - but they're industry specific - such as, a Funeral Parlor WC ASsociation. So first you find the industry, then contact them to see if there's an association in that industry.

But it SOUNDS as though you want solicitation lists - sorry, you'll have to do THAT work on your own!

I need to find a list of self insured health plans and w/c associations in the southeast.?
Do you mean "self-funded?" Self-funding means that a company retains control/ownership of the funds from insurance premiums (by using a trust account) and uses a third party administration company to process all medical claims including payment of claims out of the trust account.

Have you talked to an insurance brokerage company? They should be able to help you locate quality TPAs and with finding work comp carriers. A good broker will also help you evaluate all options available to you and make the best choice for your company.


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