Monday, May 24, 2010

Hepatitus c liver damage signs?

what are the signs( that you see ) of progressing liver failure due to hepatitus c? A list of progression signs would be great!

Hepatitus c liver damage signs?
easy fatiguability -%26gt; abdominal pain -%26gt; decreased appetite -%26gt; flu like symptoms -%26gt; (sometimes) light colored stools and dark urine -%26gt; jaundice or yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes -%26gt; itching -%26gt; weight loss -%26gt; scarring of liver tissues -%26gt; liver failure or liver cancer
Reply:I think you turn yellow
Reply:Could develop jaundice, a yellowing of the skin, or in the whites of the eyes.
Reply:I have Hep.C and I've had a liver transplant. For several years before the transplant I had pain in my liver area and periods of tiredness, no energy. The real sign of a liver failing is esophageal varices. This is when the liver forces blood through the esophagus and it enters the stomach. It is followed by immediate vomiting of "mahogany" colored fluid (blood) and same color diarrhea. I had 7 of these before the transplant. Any 1 has a 50/50 chance of fatality.

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