Saturday, May 22, 2010

Can you list these ear piercings by their pain factor?

a = Helix Piercing

b = Industrial Piercing

c = Rook Piercing

d = Daith Piercing

e = Tragus Piercing

f = Conch Piercing

g = Anti-Tragus Piercing

h = Lobe Piercing

i = Cartilidge Piercing

j = Snug Piercing

rate the amount of pain these ear piercings are (including the actual moment of piercing and the weeks after, judging by personal experience or what you've heard) 1 - 10, 10 being most painful. also list them in order of least painful to most please!

Can you list these ear piercings by their pain factor?
I'll also rate the ones I have experience with:

h (hurts more when it gets farther up)

i (makes a crunching sound)

a,c,d (all pretty close, and hurt about the same)

f (hard to get earphones in for about a year after you do this)

b (hurts twice as much as i, have to align it carefully)

e,g (haven't had these, but they are both supposed to hurt like utter hell)
Reply:I'll rate the ones I have. Starting with the least painful:




Reply:Lobe: pain - 2, healing - 5

Tragus: pain - 3, healing - 2

Helix: pain - 5, healing 7 (i had a horribl time with getting these to heal)
Reply:it all depends on how U take pain and how hard the part of the ear is where U want to get it pierced. Everyone is different in the way of pain, so U wont know until U get it pierced


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