Sunday, July 26, 2009

Where can i find a list of people who played at Washington D.C. 4th of July?

I was in Washington D.C. on Fourth of July visiting my cousons. We went to the famous fireworks in front of the Washington Memorial, which, by the way, were awesome. But we saw a concert, it was aired on PBS, I think, right before it. I was the closest possible to the stage without a VIP pass. This guy who seemed kind of shy came up to me and he's like, "Hi". I had no clue who he was so I'm like, "whatever", but then a group of people started screaming and taking pictures. 10 minutes later he was on stage, singing, and he was the best person there! Now I'm trying to figure out who he was so I can buy some of his music. Does anyone know where I can find a list of the people who played there? The only names I remembered were Little Richard and Hayden Panietiere.

Where can i find a list of people who played at Washington D.C. 4th of July?

there you go--theres your answer with pictures and everything

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